Rebranding Case Study
A long-standing Mid-Atlantic financial institution is readying for strategic growth, but its brand communicated stagnancy. Premo was charged with helping this firm find its leading edge in a disruptive marketplace and create a forward-thinking brand while remaining mindful of the firm’s fiduciary obligations and constraints. First, we engaged senior leaders in strategic planning sessions. Then, we surveyed internal and external stakeholders. With data in hand, we made the case that rebranding would best align with the firm’s growth opportunities.
It’s critical – and not always easy – to find a name that is both aspirational and speaks to an organization’s values. Premo came back for another session with leaders and engaged them in finding and understanding their brand voice. Our proprietary exercises delivered understanding around the brand’s mission, vision, values and promise. With this information in hand, our creative director embarked on significant research and was tasked with developing naming and logo options.
Clearstead. The financial services company, which oversees over $20 billion in assets under advisement, holds two key values that underpin who they are as an organization: 1) Clarity – they provide objective, unbiased advice; and 2) Steadfastness in the firm’s guidance through all financial climates. The name Clearstead is an inventive one which embodies who they are as a firm, is an easy two syllables, and the website domain was available.
The color palette of greens and blues represent both wisdom and trust, two qualities essential for a financial services firm. A lowercase font face was selected to evoke a friendly and relatable feel.
Our content and design team collaborated closely with each other to create a look that both set the firm apart while highlighting strategically appropriate messages throughout the content. Case studies and videos are embedded throughout the site, and all possible audiences can find the information they need within three easy clicks.

Our competitive analysis showed that most peer and aspirational financial services firms weren’t leveraging video or social media to connect with clients and attract new audiences. Our launch plan included creating compelling videos about the firm’s foundational service offerings, a branding of a key initiative and the rolling out of thought leadership roundtables.
The growing financial advisory firm has a new brand that not only speaks to their company values, but sets them apart from competition.With new, simplified marketing materials that connect their problem-solving services with their targets needs, our client is in a position to better compete and win more significant business.
Is your organization in need of a reboot? Do you have a vision of where you want to be in the next five years?